How to verify that an account is authenticated on is a community for businesses and people around the world to create business pages for commercial activities, trips, places to stay, boats, and more that you can book with us. Whether you follow your favorite brand or company on, you may have noticed a Cyan checkmark displayed alongside their handle. provides verified badges to help users make informed choices about the commercial accounts they chose to follow. Our users come from all walks of life, and the verified badge is a quick and clear way to let you know you are following the real deal, rather than a fake account for a company or to a person authorized with us to do business.

What is a verified badge?

A verified badge means that has confirmed the account belongs to the user it represents. It appears next to a user's account name in search results and on the profile as a visible Cyan checkmark 

If an account does not have the badge below their username but displays it somewhere else on their profile (such as in their bio), it's not a verified account. Verified badges can only be applied by and will appear in the same place every time.

Why do we have it?

The verification badge is an easy way for business or brands VIPs to let customers know that they are viewing original content representing the same company or business entity they are authorized to work with us on the platform and helps build trust between business accounts and their customers. this badge builds an important layer of Clarity with the community

How are verified badges given?

There are a number of factors considered in granting a verified badge, including whether the notable account is authentic, unique, active, and, of course, adheres to our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

However, the verified badge representing the brand, legal entities, or authorized person to work with us adheres to our guidelines in order to ensure that is a safe booking platform for everyone.