Das Rote Meer mit seiner atemberaubenden Schönheit zu erleben, ist am besten mit einem gemieteten Boot oder einer luxuriösen Yacht in Hurghada oder El Gouna möglich. Egal, ob Sie einen Familienausflug, ein Angelabenteuer oder eine[...]
Das Wrack der Salem Express ist eine der bekanntesten und umstrittensten Tauchplätze im Roten Meer. In der Nähe von Safaga, Ägypten, gelegen, dient dieser tragische Ort sowohl als beliebtes Ziel für abenteuerlustige Taucher als[...]
Featured Image: El Gouna's Charm
El Gouna, a stunning resort town that blossomed in the late 1980s from the Red Sea's surrounding deserts, has become one of Egypt's premier vacation destinations. Located about 30 kilometers north of[...]
Sharm El Sheikh ist ein weltberühmtes Tauchziel und bietet einige der schönsten und vielfältigsten Tauchplätze der Welt. Mit kristallklarem Wasser und einer Fülle an Meereslebewesen ist es kein Wunder, dass Taucher aus der[...]
Hurghada is a popular tourist destination in Egypt, located on the Red Sea coast. One of the most popular activities for tourists to enjoy in Hurghada is diving. With crystal clear waters and a rich marine life, Hurghada is a paradise for[...]
Sharm El Sheikh is a beautiful resort town located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. It is renowned for its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and world-class diving opportunities. The city is home to a plethora of[...]
Welcome to Hurghada, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Egypt. This beautiful city has a lot to offer, from its crystal-clear waters and sandy beaches to its historical landmarks and bustling nightlife. In this guide, we'll[...]
Hurghada, a popular diving destination on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, is home to some of the most spectacular shipwrecks in the world. From cargo ships to military vessels, each sunken ship has its own fascinating story to tell. Divers from[...]
The Salem Express was once a symbol of modernity and luxury, sailing the Red Sea between Egypt and Saudi Arabia. However, on the night of December 17, 1991, the ship met a tragic fate, sinking just off the coast of Egypt.[...]
The Blue Hole in Sharm El-Sheikh is a natural wonder that has fascinated divers and snorkelers from around the world. Located on the east coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, this area is known for its crystal-clear waters, diverse marine[...]