Private Tour to Moses Mount & St Catherine from Sharm El Sheikh

Jabal Mousa

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المدة الزمنية

18 ساعات

نوع الرحلة

الثقافة والتاريخ

حجم المجموعة

10 اشخاص


شرم الشيخ

نظرة عامة عن الرحلة

Embark on a captivating journey with your private group, starting around 8:30 PM from your hotel. A scenic 4-hour coach ride will lead you to the base of Moses Mountain, where an enchanting night climb of around 750 steps awaits. As the day breaks, stand atop Mount Sinai's summit, 2,285 meters above sea level, greeted by a breathtaking sunrise panorama. Descend towards the iconic St. Catherine Monastery, a 2–3-hour journey. Spend about 1 hour exploring the wonders within the monastery's walls—from an eleventh-century mosque to an Orthodox Greek monastery nestled like a fortress. Inside, discover Saint Catherine's revered remains, and outside, the sacred Holy Valley where Moses was instructed by God to remove his shoes, a testament to the holiness of the land. Return to the hotel around 2:00 PM, marking the end of an unforgettable journey of spirituality and history. This private tour is exclusively curated for your group, ensuring an intimate and personalized experience throughout.

متضمن / مستبعد

Air-conditioned vehicle
Professional speaking guide
Professional Bedouin Guide during climbing up the mountain.
Entrance fees to Mount Sinai
Entrance fees to St. Catherine National Park
Camel ride (Optional around 10$)
Catherine Monastery Museum/ library (Optional extra fees)
Optional activities or Personal expenses

مسار الرحلة

حول هذا النشاط

وقت البدء 8:00 مساءً
تأكيد فوري
التذاكر المتنقلة
تشمل الأنتقالات
مجموعة خاصة
مرشد سياحي للرحلة

التحضير لهذا النشاط

جواز السفر أو بطاقة الهوية
ملابس دافئة في الشتاء
معدات التصوير
نظارة شمسيه
حذاء مريح
فلوس نقدية

هذا النشاط غير مناسب لــ

النساء الحوامل
مشاكل الظهر

غير مسموح

الحيوانات الاليفه
مشروبات كحولية
أمتعة أو حقائب كبيرة

سياسة الإلغاء

استرداد كامل المبلغ: إذا كان الإلغاء قبل 48 ساعة من تاريخ الحجز
لا يوجد استرداد الأموال: إذا كان الإلغاء في نفس يوم تاريخ الرحلة المحجوزة أو عدم الحضور

أسئلة وأجوبة

What time does the journey to Mount Sinai begin?
The journey begins at 8:30 PM from our hotel in Sharm El Sheikh.
How long does it take to climb Mount Sinai?
The climb consists of around 750 steps and takes approximately 5 hours, with the aim to reach the summit before sunrise.
What is the next destination after descending from Mount Sinai?
After descending from Mount Sinai, we will head to the iconic St. Catherine Monastery, which is a 2–3-hour journey away.
What can we expect to find at the St. Catherine Monastery?
At the St. Catherine Monastery, we can explore an eleventh-century mosque, an Orthodox Greek monastery, and the revered remains of Saint Catherine within the church's interior.
What historical significance does the Holy Valley hold?
The Holy Valley is where Moses was instructed by God to remove his shoes, a testament to the holiness of the land, making it a site of great spiritual significance.

ما هو قريب

أهم مناطق الجذب
St. Catherine's Monastery (m)
St. Catherine’s Monastery is located at the foot of Mount Sinai in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. It is one of the oldest working monasteries in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery is open to visitors, but it is recommended to check the opening hours before visiting.
جمال طبيعي
Mousa Mountain or Sinai Mountain (2285m)
Mount Sinai is a mountain on the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. It is also known as Jabal Musa. It is a 2,285-metre (7,497 ft), moderately high mountain near the city of Saint Catherine in the region known today as the Sinai Peninsula. It is surrounded on all sides by higher peaks in the mountain range of which it is a part. For example, it lies next to Mount Catherine which, at 2,629 m or 8,625 ft, is the highest peak in Egypt.
أقرب المطارات
Sharm El Sheikh Airport (m)

موقع الرحلة على الخريطة

Jabal Mousa


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عضو منذ May 2024

للفرد الواحد € 550 € 420

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للفرد الواحد
€ 550 € 420
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